How often do you think about Harry Potter/ are you obsessed? I am sooo obsessed I think of it every single second of the day. I have a golden snitch, 16 wands, which are exact replicas, a fire lot, a nimbus 2000, a nimbus 2001, a cardboard cutout, a quaffle, um let's see... I have a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Raveclaw, and Hufflepuff house banner (one for each house), I have a Ravenclaw quidditch outfit, a Gryffindor quidditch outfit, I have a Slytherin quidditch outfit, a Hufflepuff quidditch outfit, a dumbedor mask, 230 earrings with Harry Potter symbols on them, um... Did I say cardboard cut out? Yes ok... Do you get where I'm going here? My entire room is Harry Potter theme. I guess I am MEAGERLY obsessed.
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I started a Quittich club at my school.

Omg your awesome!

Oh stil...
on September 07, 2015

*shrugs* I really just suggested it. Someone else took the idea and made it a combination of rugby, dodgeball, and soccer.
on September 07, 2015
on September 07, 2015
on September 07, 2015