What would you ask a creepypasta? The questions will be answered!
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Notice me senpai BEN!

Ben: OK sweetcheaks Me: :-O oooh k
on October 13, 2015
on October 13, 2015
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I-I w-would a-ask j-jeff i-if h-he w-would d-date m-me *hides shyly but smiles cutely*

on September 03, 2020
on March 25, 2020
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Does Jeff love me because I love him back if Jeff was in deh comments plz
on August 03, 2017
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Bree: BEN, How is this for another digital Creepypasta? *travels through a screen and comes out with red and black eyes and claws*

me: ben bree i found a ds game that's majoras mask!
Ben: bree lets play it together that can be our first date!!!!:-*
Ben: bree lets play it together that can be our first date!!!!:-*

on October 17, 2015

Bree: :) I love creepy stuff and am glad to be a Creepypasta.
(There are pictures of Glitchy Bree on Breann's page of Breann.)
(There are pictures of Glitchy Bree on Breann's page of Breann.)
on October 16, 2015

cool! i stayed up all night to make those ben: i wached you make them they are creepy
on October 16, 2015

on October 16, 2015

ben: i think i know what it is *laughs crazily* me: that game!! coll i wanna watch:-O
on October 16, 2015

Bree: Ok. We are going to play a game against Dante. One that he is sure to lose...
on October 16, 2015

great he made me lose my happiness by telling me i am bad at everything ben: great >:)
on October 16, 2015

on October 16, 2015

Bree: Yes! I know! He drove me into insanity! I think it is about time I showed you it... *pulls up left sleeve revealing scars* Dante did it...
on October 16, 2015

that guy is a bully i know him he bullied a lot of peopleX-( he bullied me as well
on October 16, 2015

on October 16, 2015

its not that good i know i'm bad at it i mean i was bullied i just thought you might be cool if i made you one ben: its good though
on October 16, 2015

brides made cool Ben: look at her page imma go there and show a pic of a dress k :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
on October 15, 2015

Bree: Sounds awesome! *gets a text and the ringtone is Navi* Oh, it's Chloe. She asked why I wasn't at dinner. *texts back*
on October 15, 2015

YES ben: im thinking green for the colors like your wedding dress and my suit oh and silvermoon might be a good brides made
on October 15, 2015

so when will you guys get married i wanna come ben: why not hey bree should we invite her
on October 15, 2015

on October 15, 2015

ben and i have to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry ben: love you bye :-*:-* kiss lasts an hour bye i'll come back tomarro<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
on October 14, 2015

Bree: Yep. He insulted the Zelda franchise, he stabbed me, he drowned me. Now I am back...
on October 14, 2015

Bree: Yes! I can finally get revenge on the jerk who lives on Pointhead Boulevard! *
on October 14, 2015

on October 14, 2015

Bree: Oh, yey :3 So, Slendy... Is this good enough for a Creepypasta? *shows him the claws* I also do a bit of pyrokenisis :3
on October 14, 2015

slendy: ben have you marked her yet *slendy looks at ben* ben: no *takes you arm and zaps you but it idn't hurt it tikled a magoras mask symbol is on your arm* now no one can hurt you> <3<3<3<3<3
on October 14, 2015

on October 14, 2015

ben: sorry oh i wanted to introduce my sister to you her name is bell she is not a creepypasta but she was getting bullied so i took her here they keped calling her bell drowned.
A girl walks in the room with blond hair blue eyes and a green dress on with green shoes.
bell: is this that girl you had a crush on ben Ben: she is also my new girlfriend her name is See More bree Bell make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
bell and ben: laughs
A girl walks in the room with blond hair blue eyes and a green dress on with green shoes.
bell: is this that girl you had a crush on ben Ben: she is also my new girlfriend her name is See More bree Bell make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
bell and ben: laughs
on October 14, 2015

Jeff: i am s-sorry:(:( but i fell in love with----someone else Jess the killer walks in: hi>:)
on October 14, 2015

jeff: hi bree i have to tell you something its not personal but i can't date you anymore :((
on October 14, 2015

on October 14, 2015

Me: *give's them the ds*
ben: :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* (this kiss goes for at least 30 min)
ben: :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* (this kiss goes for at least 30 min)
on October 14, 2015
on October 14, 2015

Ben: pritty good :D

on October 14, 2015

Bree: :D I have to tell you something...
*whispers* I kinda have a crush on you, too :3
*whispers* I kinda have a crush on you, too :3
on October 14, 2015

me: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ben likes bree owell it seams like a perfect match
on October 14, 2015

on October 14, 2015

Bree: Ok. I might try and kill the boy who made me this way
(Bree secretly has a crush on him)
(Bree secretly has a crush on him)
on October 14, 2015
on October 14, 2015
on October 14, 2015