What separates cult from religion?
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A cult has a smaller amount of people than a religion, when a cult gains a lot more members, it becomes a religion. Such as being a Jedi (yes that I saw an actual thing, and I don’t just mean in the movies.) It used to be a cult but because so many people joined it became an actual religion (Look it up). The whole sacrificing animals and lovingly Satan is a stereotype, but there are many cults like that, but many not. Boom, some facts for ya there XD

I think scientology has a bigger world wide following than Judaism. But wait because this is more important, JEDI IS A RELIGION?? Thank you for telling me, I'm about to find the nearest jedi church.

:D no problem! May the force be with you~
on June 06, 2018
on June 05, 2018
on June 04, 2018
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Cults make sacrifices of animals (Ex. Cats) and sometimes even human and are more likely, not always , to worshiping the anti-god (Ex. Satan) or a twisted version of the god
on June 03, 2018
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I think religion is more belief and faith in different things, where cults can get violent and evil.
on June 13, 2018
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It becomes a cult when you are muttering incantations and creepy curses around a fire, doing a creep ritual dance and wearing a white pointyhait. That is is CuLT
on June 04, 2018