Can Some One Give Me Some Cool Japanese Names? Boy or Girl, doesn't matter, I need both, but i would prefer boy. And do all Japanese names have a meaning? If not, I would prefer some of them to not have one. If so, never mind.
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Male or female?
on January 15, 2015
on January 14, 2015
on January 14, 2015
on January 14, 2015
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Yes, Japanese names use characters that have meaning so yeah all Japanese names have a meaning
Thanks! :D
Katakana is for foreign words like ice cream or violin tht don't have any word in native Japanese while hiragana is used for most Japanese things. For instance Julie would be in katakana while Himeko would be in kanji or hiragana
on January 14, 2015
Thanks! I just looked it up and it means queen. Hey, another good name I thought of was Asuka. I think it means tomorrow's fragrance/ bird (I think it differs depending on if its hiragana or katakana)
on January 14, 2015
If you want you can use Reina ( I don't remember what is means but it is an OC of mine that is very cool and brave)
on January 14, 2015
Yea, I tried that but... well, I'm making a manga (just cos I'm creative like that ;)) and I am really picky when it comes to names. A good one I'm thinking of for the main character is azami, which means flower of thistle (don't really know how you can have a flower made of thistle but it sounds awesome so whatever!)
on January 14, 2015
Welcome what you can always do is look up Japanese baby names and you can find some.
on January 14, 2015
on January 14, 2015
on January 14, 2015
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Clalrecojony ã beic ã beic is the last name this is a made up name but it still is cool
on August 27, 2015