if you woke up as an animatronic what whould you look like cannot be one of the charicters ,and desribe L and R arm, L and R leg,torso,and head, and can be a diffrent jaw
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I'd be a cat. I'd have a tabby cat's color scheme, with green eyes. Nothing is broken or ripped, being brand new. They do have claws, but they are retractable. The class are for defense if they see a burglar (or a nightguard, I suppose).

*"class" is supposed to say "claws". I have autocorrect on, sorry.
on April 21, 2017
on April 21, 2017
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I would be a beautiful black and red pirate fox. I would have a eye patch and a hook and a sword to show the kids but tell them not to touch it. I would be a back up singer for Freddy I would have a crescent moon on my tail and I would talk pirate. And here is the best part!............ FOXY IS MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
on January 07, 2016
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I'd be a large brown chicken, with led blue eyes and a black beak.
(Withered) Missing one hand and rips and tears around face, arms, torso, and legs. One missing eye and a malfunctioning eyelid
I'd be a large brown chicken, with led blue eyes and a black beak.
(Withered) Missing one hand and rips and tears around face, arms, torso, and legs. One missing eye and a malfunctioning eyelid
on January 07, 2016
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Well, here's what I think Elina would look like...;
I'd be a brown kitty at the lenght of a normal adult.
For an animatronic I'd look 'almost' brand new, except for where the heart is suppose to be, since it's been dramaticly ripped out seeming like the culprit wanted to show the world how much her heart was torned with fake-bonds and betrail.
Her left and right arms had brown coloured fur with stiches almost everywhere seeming to try to bring back the once soft fur that was See More there.
The shoulders seemed half broken from all the responcebilieties that were trown at her.
The legs helt the same story with stiches from top to bottom, except the kneecaps were the ones that were disfuctioning from keeping a strait pose for half her life.
But her purple eyes seemed to tell the story and emotions this little girl has been trough, also indicating a preditor's gaze upon her enemies.
She had a lil purple cape on her back that seemed to indicate that this broken toy is supose to look like a kitty-magican.
And trust me, for scaring the daylights out of her victims, she got allot of ways 'up her sleeve'
*evil grin*
I'd be a brown kitty at the lenght of a normal adult.
For an animatronic I'd look 'almost' brand new, except for where the heart is suppose to be, since it's been dramaticly ripped out seeming like the culprit wanted to show the world how much her heart was torned with fake-bonds and betrail.
Her left and right arms had brown coloured fur with stiches almost everywhere seeming to try to bring back the once soft fur that was See More there.
The shoulders seemed half broken from all the responcebilieties that were trown at her.
The legs helt the same story with stiches from top to bottom, except the kneecaps were the ones that were disfuctioning from keeping a strait pose for half her life.
But her purple eyes seemed to tell the story and emotions this little girl has been trough, also indicating a preditor's gaze upon her enemies.
She had a lil purple cape on her back that seemed to indicate that this broken toy is supose to look like a kitty-magican.
And trust me, for scaring the daylights out of her victims, she got allot of ways 'up her sleeve'
*evil grin*
on January 07, 2016