What is your favorite sans au? Tell me what your fav. Sans is for my next quiz.
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For nostalgia's sake, I set up a private server in 1.7(<a href="https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/discussion/3131164-do-you-guys-feel-like-you-arent-able-to-play">this is the update I grew up on watching mc youtubers when i was little</a>) not too long ago for me and my friends. I thought it would be nice to pretend we discovered this cool new blocky game we found by watching youtubers all over again. But when we started playing, it felt like the magic See More just wasn't there anymore. I constantly found myself wanting to work with the newer blocks gone in 1.7, and building didnt just feel the same. I never used a single clay brick or block of sandstone in the entire playthrough, always using more industrial materials I use now such as smooth stone and the likes. We tried doing things like making roller coasters, but even those just looked like random twists of rails in the sky supported by cobble and dirt. It feels like the actual meta of the game has changed and using different blocks from the norm feels wrong. I just want to see one of my minecraft worlds with the same sense of wonder and pride younger me saw in a flatworld full of buildings and junk.

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on October 11, 2023
on October 11, 2023