Who do you think is the world's most hated celebrity?
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Donald Trump
Yea, don't we all want to be locked into our own country and be judged based on where we came from? Yeah we do! *Sarcastic*
Yea, don't we all want to be locked into our own country and be judged based on where we came from? Yeah we do! *Sarcastic*
on April 30, 2016
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Donald Trump. You know, the guy who wants to copy China and make a Great Wall of Trump, the guy who has the same haircut as corn (btw, the corn looks better in it).
on April 28, 2016
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donald trump, kylie jenner, kim kardashian, and justin bieber are probably somewhere at the top.
on May 22, 2018
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There are a large multitude of hated people in he world, it is merely perspective on who is most..As many Americans hate a presidential candidate, many Europeans could care less. Though I do not speak for any community, I only have my own perspective on the subject. To me, there is a short list of most hated people from the American view point. I do not hate or support him, as I do not know much about any candidates and do not wish to, but Donald Trump seems to be most hated currently, See More almost being comparred to Hitler sometimes, he is on this short list as well. Justin Bieber is another hated person for a multitude of reasons, though it is starting to become more of a joke than actual hatred. Anyways...that is my viewpoint on the subject.
I am dearly sorry if this short paragraph had offended anyone, is incoherent trash, or is horrible...I can remove it if it is deemed too offensive, or horrible by request...
I am dearly sorry if this short paragraph had offended anyone, is incoherent trash, or is horrible...I can remove it if it is deemed too offensive, or horrible by request...
on May 04, 2016