Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete your comments/answers. Thanks!

Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? Do you think that abortion should be legal? Why or why not? This is NOT to start drama or cause arguments; if you start being rude to people, I will either edit or delete your comments/answers. Thanks!

Answers (69)

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I think it should be 100% the woman's choice. I mean, if she was forced to have it, I doubt the child would want their mother to be forced to have them. And, if she wasn't forced to have it, there are other factors such as: not financially able to care for the child, she isn't strong enough to give birth to the child, etc.
What if the woman got pregnant on purpose and then chose to not have the baby? If there are those people, I would not want to know them, but other than that, I agree with you.
on May 26, 2017
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on April 06, 2017
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on April 27, 2016
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on October 19, 2015
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I am pro-choice.
Just saying, to be pro-choice you don't even need to be for abortion. You just need to think a person has the right to their body.

By saying you are "pro-life" you are saying that the health of cells is more important than the mental and physical health of a female.
No, actually. By being pro-life, I'm saying that the unborn baby is just as important (equal to) the mother. What if the abortion failed? How would YOU like to grow up knowing that your mother was so desperate to not have you that she tried to kill you before you were even born and you had to suffer for it through disabilities for the rest of your life?
on October 22, 2015
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Sometimes it depends. There are always mental seasons to :>
on October 22, 2015
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Yeah, I know what you meant. :) What if the mother and child would both be perfectly safe both in birth and afterwards?
on October 22, 2015
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I was getting at if the child would be at risk after but um
It would depend on the situation
on October 22, 2015
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OK. What if the girl was messing around and the child and her would both be totally safe through the birth? I honestly wouldn't support it then... Although I guess I might if she were raped or in danger by giving birth.
on October 22, 2015
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If the mother things the child will be in a dangerous place (some teen pregnancies like the one you mentioned about the girl messing around), I fully support the choice. It was her choice. If you person is raped, I support the choice to have an abortion. The only way I would not support is if the parent did it for some brutal reason or the father made the mother See More
on October 22, 2015
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I don't agree with you, but you do have a really great point.

One thing I want to ask you -- do you believe in abortion for any reason (e.g. the girl was messing around and got pregnant by accident) or just in situations like where the girl was raped or the birth is dangerous?
on October 22, 2015
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Oh I understand as far as the swearing thing - no trouble there. Okay, let me put this in a way that may help but it appears you are not getting it. Let's say you have a seed. As of now, what is that seed? It is a seed. Yes, in a year in may be a tree. But what is now? A seed. Lets say you step on that seed. Yes, it had the "potential" to be a tree, but was it See More
on October 22, 2015
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OK. I apologize for threatening you. I am just so totally worn out right now... Also, yesterday I had an argument with someone who was swearing like a sailor and wouldn't stop... Anyways. And OK, I get what you're saying about safe abortion. And you may not see the unborn child as an unborn child, rather as cells, but that's actually a matter of opinion. Those See More
on October 22, 2015
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I don't get how I exactly "cussed" but ok and you really have no right to threaten me. And you are because you are now suddenly switching out the terms birth and life while I explained how they are no the same. And people who support pro-choice movements want SAFE ABORTION. And guess what? Most abortion is safe. And a clump of cells is not an unborn baby. Most See More
on October 22, 2015
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1. Don't cuss. I really am tired of telling this to people, but I will delete your comment if you don't edit the cuss word out NOW. I'm not going to have another drawn out conversation where people are going on about "free speech", etc. It's my question, my rules. Sorry if I'm being overly blunt or rude, I have been studying for the past hour and I am half-dead. See More
on October 21, 2015
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Wow you're pretty damn ignorant to what I just stated.
on October 21, 2015
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on October 21, 2015
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on October 19, 2015
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yes... technically, if you do get an abortion, you have to live with the fact that you denied a life access to this world and it was because you didn't want to feel a mother's love or couldn't afford to have a child, but if you don't, if you cant AFFORD to have a child, you could go into poverty and you and your child could both die instead of a fetus that technically doesn't have any life or rights yet. The government should not make the decision for you, you should make it See More
on October 27, 2016
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This is a controversial conversation, but I think that abortion should be legal. Yeah, it might feel kind of wrong to kill a baby who could've done something big. You never know. But what if the mom just wasn't ready. Society shouldn't treat the mother like an outcast or like dirt and isolate her from the rest of humanity just because she wasn't ready for one baby. Besides, what if she was raped? What if her body can't handle a baby and she'd die? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't See More
on May 12, 2017
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on April 06, 2017
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Legal. Not only do other people (especially people without uteruses) have absolutely no say in a personal choice such as abortion, if we outlaw it it will still happen. Death rates among women will skyrocket as they pursue back alley abortions that are incredibly dangerous and deadly. Abortion is a necessary procedure among many women because of their environment. Children are not a punishment for sex, and pro-lifers need to stop treating them as such. Adult women with lives and See More
on October 27, 2016
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I'm pro-abortion and pro-choice, but always with some limits in the mother's choice.

For example, it should be legal to abort if you are going to have later complications and health poblems.
In my point of view, mothers should be able to choose if they want to have a baby with genetic problems, as many of them, will later depend of their parents and not everybody is ready for such a hard style of life and sacrifice. Of course, I would let a woman abort because she was raped See More
on April 26, 2016
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Yes it should, but to a certain extent. If the woman has been raped and then becomes with child, then it's her choice. And for those of you who say the mother has no right because the child has a right to live, it isn't developed yet. It does not have a heartbeat therefore it is not alive. It is still developing (because it HAS to be eight (8) weeks or less). It is completely the mother's choice because you're not having the child. You're not supporting it so don't say shite. See More
on April 06, 2017
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Adding on to what I said, I don't think that many of you understand what pregnancy is like. If you read up on the experiences of a lot of mothers, you'll find that it's tedious and generally costs a lot. Not only that but some of the more superficial women might not want their body to have to go through that.
And plus condoms and birth control are NEVER 100% safe.
on October 29, 2016
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on October 29, 2016
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Honestly the thing about abortion is that it should be legal because if a lady really doesn't want to have a baby, she'll get rid of the damn baby. And that's worse, because now not only is she shoddily aborting her baby in an unsafe manner she could hurt herself as well. If abortion becomes legal every and people are given access to it, I think we'd have eliminated that all percentage of people who go through hell because they can't or don't want to have a baby.
Pretty much what I think. I don't like the idea of abortion itself but I'd rather it take place in a way that the mother isn't going to get hurt or sick because of it.
on November 01, 2016
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on October 31, 2016
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on October 29, 2016
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It needs to stay legal, and completely to the choice of the women. A miscarriage can happen often, and if abortion is made illegal (thanks to Trump), these poor women will have no other choice than to suffer the pain of the miscarriage. Women should not be forced to suffer this way for something they did not ask for.
what does a miscarriage have to do with anything? that doesnt make sense??
a miscarriage is when a mother wants to have a baby but it dies in the process. what does that have to do with abortion?
I'm not exactly sure... But from what @Queen_Miku said, I'd guess that when a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, the dead baby would still be inside of her. An abortion would be ideal then, to get rid of it.
on February 21, 2018
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on October 29, 2016
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on October 29, 2016
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I'm just gonna say that there's a lot of ladies out there who physically can't get pregnant or have a baby but really want one, so if you're thinking about getting an abortion for a reason that's not medical stuff, think about all of them and how much they'd love it if they could adopt a little baby.
you are purely stupid, its not about her like dresimi said, there are already 50,000 + children in the adoption system, if she wants to adopt she can adopt one of them
on February 20, 2018
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There are over 50,000 children in the system right now. If a barren family really wants to adopt, they can choose one of those.
@Kanya888 I actually did a little more research on the topic, and it appears my statistics are a bit out of date. There are about 400,000 children waiting to be adopted in the U.S. currently. The average age of a child in foster care is around 8 years old. There are of course fewer newborn babies, as families want them more than older children, but that doesn't See More
on October 30, 2016
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How many of those 50,000 are babies? Izzie-san said "adopt a little baby," not just adopt.
on October 28, 2016
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on October 27, 2016
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on April 14, 2016
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Well, sure, unless the reason she wants to get one is that she just doesn't want to deal with it~ As in, there are no medical consequences of it being born, she can afford it, she's old enough to raise a child, she consented to the sex, things like that, but she just doesn't want to spend money and time on the child~ Then, she can put it up for adoption~ All she'll have to do is pay her medical bills, then drop the kid off at an adoption center~ Whatever family decides to adopt See More
You don't get to decide for a woman. It's not like women just ~get abortions~ for the hell of it. It's an incredibly distressing and harrowing procedure. Adoption isn't a very good alternative either.
on October 27, 2016
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on April 14, 2016
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If it's possible to detect a heartbeat, I don't think it should be allowed all of the time. If it's at the point where it could live outside the womb, without life support or anything like that, and survive, I don't think it should be legal no matter what with that.

I kind of feel like it should either be her choice to have sex or her choice to have the baby. If she consented to sex: no abortion. If she didn't consent: go ahead.

There are a lot of factors that go into reasons See More
Did you know that, for a time in France, you weren't allowed to have birth control after you were married? So if you had sex willy-nilly you'd end up with a LOT of kids.

If you're scared after unprotected sex, there's this thing called the morning after pill. Basically, you take it the morning after having sex, and if you'd 'conceived,' the pregnancy would be See More
One more thing...I feel like there should be some kind of limit on how may abortions you can get, mostly in the cases of the woman having sex a lot (like one-night stands), because that's just kind of stupid to keep letting her do that when she continues to open up an oppurtunity for a baby. *shrugs*
on March 29, 2016
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on March 18, 2016
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on March 18, 2016
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Well, this is a pretty biased topic.
To me, I don't recommend it but still, it's not my business, nor should it be a issue where I'll get billions of people to rebel against a lost life. A mom should have a choice to keep a child. She shouldn't be FORCED to keep a child that she doesn't have the time for. Mainly looking at females who were raped or have severe health issues. Do you think that they should be forced to keep a child that don't belong to them or worse...kill yourself See More
on October 26, 2015
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I think it should be legal, but only if childbirth would be dangerous to the mother, or if the mother got pregnant unwillingly (like if she was raped).
on November 22, 2015
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I totally agree with you! That idea is awesome!
on November 21, 2015
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I think that I actually agree with you... At first, I always thought that abortion was wrong no matter what the case. However, I think I'm starting to see your view. Well, if the woman was raped or childbirth would be dangerous for her. Not just because she was messing around and got pregnant accidentally or something.
:) I'm glad we can see eye to eye on this. :) I agree.
on October 22, 2015
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on October 22, 2015
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on October 21, 2015
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If you don't like abortion, don't get one?
Nothing screams "I've lived a privileged, sheltered life and I've never faced real adversity" more than trying to restrict the freedoms of others because Sky Daddy says so
Plus Jesus respected Mary Magdalene soooooooo
If you don’t know who Mary Magdalene was, she was a prostitute :0
I know, my family was very religious
Kinda wish they weren’t
on March 10, 2019
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He didn't just casually respect her either. He vigorously defended her.
on March 10, 2019
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on March 10, 2019
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on March 10, 2019
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the baby doesn't know thats its alive, if a mom/dad cant afford it and want it to go through suffering then they have a abortion
on April 07, 2017
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I think it should be legal, given the correct circumstances, like a rape victim. However, if the woman simply doesn't want to give birth, but the father is more than willing to care for the kid, I'd say that you should just keep it, for the father deserves a say here.
he is not the one whom has to bare the child,

A woman is not a garden or his property.
on August 07, 2019
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the father doesn't deserve a say. not his body.
He's willing to care for the kid. He has about as much right as the mother as to what happens
on March 09, 2019
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on March 09, 2019
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on March 09, 2019
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Besides, every fertile girl gets their monthly period.

"Women are born with approximately two million eggs in their ovaries, but about eleven thousand of them die every month prior to puberty..." []

Tecnically, all these ovums had the potential to become very alive, very human, beings. DOES THAT MEAN ROUGHLY HALF OUR WORLD'S POPULATION ARE MASS MURDERERS...?! Well, damn...

Lol, kidding, kidding. XD
on February 21, 2018
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@SuperSnow Putting a baby up for adoption isn't so simple.

(The mother either won't care about it enough to go through the 9 months (almost a year...) or she'll end up caring too much by the end of it and keep the baby. So the probability ain't super high anyways, to my ken.)

It can be good, but it can also be terrible... Because life ain't easy. Just think about the suicide rates, 1 person every 40 seconds (worldwide). The likelihood of a baby getting adopted is extremely low... See More
on February 21, 2018
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Yes it should be legal because if you get pregnant you may not want a child or be really young.
on February 20, 2018
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I dont really care, but if you are going to get an abortion then what wa the point of having unprotected sex. Like seriously guys if you are going to slip between her thighs make sure to condomize, or use a latex or shell get your paychecks. (These slogans are not meant to start a argument)
on December 26, 2017
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It should definitely be legal. The woman should be able to choose because there are varieties of situations that would require the woman to not want to or just not be able to have the baby; like being mentally unstable, not being able to physically support the child, not having enough money to support the child, etc.
on June 11, 2017
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I'm not for it, but I like to be neutral in touchy cases like these.
on October 29, 2016
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I really don't like the /idea/ of abortion, but I can't deny that if it's legal it's a lot safer of a procedure. I think there should be limits on some things (your age, how long you've been pregnant, etc.) but I'd rather the mother be able to have a safe procedure in a hospital and live than her have to find some black market person who'll do it with super unsanitary and painful tools.
on October 28, 2016
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It should be a woman's choice stop trying to make people feel guilty for choosing pro abortion, Trump or whoever is doing that.
on April 11, 2016
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Under strict circumstances.
If they're raped, the woman's choice.
But just because they don't want the child is wrong.
so you would rather it be stabbed out with a coat hanger then?
on September 07, 2018
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on April 10, 2016
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In all seriousness, I don't think it should be up to the government to decide this kind of thng. Or to decide a lot of this kind of thing for that matter. I don't like abortion, so I'm not gonna do it unless I really don't have any other options and I'm not gonna tell people to do it. But it's not my choice to make unless it's me, so what I think doesn't really matter in this case.
on March 29, 2016
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Woman's body, woman's choice. Only she decides
on March 18, 2016
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Don't hate me but...abortion is like murder...abortion should be illegal...but then the female has to deal with the child that she may not be able to care for or something...I'm on both sides here
abortion isnt legally or biologically murder
on September 07, 2018
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You make a good point
on March 18, 2016
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on November 22, 2015
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