Why do you or do you not believe in God?
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I don't think there is (not hating on Christianity.) because if there is why is there so much suffering in the world and why haven't we found proof of him/her yet. I'm just saying you can't argue with conclusive evidence and if there was some then I'd have to believe.
(I am a Christian) God doesn't want to show himself to us. Christianity is built on faith. That's what sets it apart from other religons. The definition of faith is to believe without seeing. I have chosen to live my life with a purpose for God. I have seen through miracles time and time again that God is real. He let his son die so that we would be allowed to See More live.
on October 30, 2019
on April 07, 2015
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How can the world be 6000 years old if the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago? I am really confused and I need explanation.
on November 06, 2019
The reason is dinosaurs didn't die 65 million years ago. I am a Christian and I believe that the Bible is true. One of the stories is Noah and the ark. you probably have heard of it. If not, read it. It's in Genesis. Well Noah took the dinosaurs onto the ark. But when they landed after the flood, the whole earth had been covered with water for forty days! That See More is a giant change! It affected the weather, climate, and earth in general. A lot of animals probably didn't get used to the new earth. So they died. For a more scientific and better explanation, Check out The New Answers book. It will help with a lot of questions!
on October 30, 2019

the world is much older than 6000 years old...
nobody thinks the world is 6000 years old,,, jesus christ
nobody thinks the world is 6000 years old,,, jesus christ

on March 06, 2018
on March 05, 2018

You have confused me now too
on March 05, 2018
on March 03, 2018
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Last time I tried to post something on this question it was a trainwreck so
I don't really think the evidence behind religion is very strong. However, I do not hate people who believe in a religion. A lot of religious logic has flaws (no offense), but that does mean you are an idiot if you believe.
I don't really think the evidence behind religion is very strong. However, I do not hate people who believe in a religion. A lot of religious logic has flaws (no offense), but that does mean you are an idiot if you believe.
on February 21, 2016
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Nope, I do not.
Nope, I do not.
On your page, you said that you are an atheist. You said that you have strong reasons for why you don't believe in God. You said that you could crush me in an argument. Well, I am a strong Christian. Please tell me your reasons for why you don't believe. I am hoping to be able to counter attack!
So DIPG? That is Satan causing that. but God made the decision to allow that to happen. An important verse in the Bible says that everyone is given a chance to believe and come to Christ. Everyone with that disease will be given a chance to be Christian (whether with outside influences sharing the Gospel. or God inside you giving you the chance). If they accept See More Christ, they will live in eternal glory as God's servant. If not, they remain a sinner, and deserve the penalty. So it all comes back to, but wouldn't it be easier to never have evil in the first place? Yes, easier, but then we would all just be mindless robots, that have never been given any choice. @GalacticBiRavenclaw Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I haven't checked this account in a while.
on March 17, 2020
I was seeing that both of your reasons fall under the "Why do bad things happen to people?" My answer is we are not robots. If nothing bad ever happened, if evil never existed, God would have created just a bunch of beings to worship him. God is not selfish. He would never create a whole race say "They are my trustworthy followers" if we never had a choice. We See More have to show that Yes, I accept God, Yes, I was born sinful, Yes, I need your mercy, grace, and help to get out of this sinful world. We need to show that we can get past our pride and submit to Him. So kind of summing up in a brief way, good can not exist without evil. But God gives us a promise that one day evil will be destroyed. Those who have accepted Him will get to live in Joy forever while those who thought that would be fine by themselves will be destroyed. Another thing I wanted to point out is that nothing is out of God's control. Satan must ask God's permission to cause any sin. (The Book of Job)
on March 17, 2020

Second of all: "Well, everything is part of his plan," you say. So he wants this suffering to happen? This kind, loving god WANTS children to get incurable cancer, and slowly lose function of their body?
Let me tell you about a little thing called DIPG. DIPG stands for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. It is a brain stem cancer that is terminal. 99% of people See More who get DIPG (mostly children) die within 5 years of their diagnosis. Over time, DIPG takes away their ability to move, speak, swallow, and finally breathe, while leaving their brain intact.
"Oh, but that's Satan, not God," you say. But your god is all-powerful, right? Surely if he were truly a nice god then he would do something to stop it?
Let me tell you about a little thing called DIPG. DIPG stands for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. It is a brain stem cancer that is terminal. 99% of people See More who get DIPG (mostly children) die within 5 years of their diagnosis. Over time, DIPG takes away their ability to move, speak, swallow, and finally breathe, while leaving their brain intact.
"Oh, but that's Satan, not God," you say. But your god is all-powerful, right? Surely if he were truly a nice god then he would do something to stop it?
on December 24, 2019

First of all, if god is all powerful, then can he make a rock that's so heavy he can't lift it? If he can, then he can't LIFT the rock, so he's not all-powerful. If he can't, then he can't MAKE the rock, so he's not all-powerful.
Second of all, let's say he somehow is able to cheat the system and make + lift the rock. Let's say he exists. I still wouldn't want See More to worship him. Because if he's all-powerful, then he has the power to cure cancer, solve world hunger, and end all this suffering. Why doesn't he?
Second of all, let's say he somehow is able to cheat the system and make + lift the rock. Let's say he exists. I still wouldn't want See More to worship him. Because if he's all-powerful, then he has the power to cure cancer, solve world hunger, and end all this suffering. Why doesn't he?
on December 24, 2019
on October 30, 2019
on June 04, 2015
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I don’t.
You should! See my responses to other people!
on October 30, 2019
on March 04, 2018