Does anyone know how to help depression? i'm going to see a therapist soon, but does anyone know how to help with my depression?

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Do what feels right to you. Be honest. Do not cause harm to yourself. BE HONEST. Honesty is so so important when it comes to these things. Honesty can save your life. Remember that you are strong and you can get through this. It can take years to figure out the root to the depression or how to cope with it, but that time is worth it. Personally, it took me three years to figure out how to cope and help myself, and I still struggle with it. You cannot fight this battle alone. Do See More
on July 17, 2019
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i am depressed but i cover it with some punny puns and a smile but my friends can tell when i'm not actually happy...
on September 29, 2019
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on July 28, 2019
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