How do you deal with a guy you don't even like? DX Ok, so there's a guy who's SUPER romantic to me- like giving me cute, stuffed animals, EVEN giving me chocolate roses on Valentine's Day! The problem is that is that I DON'T like him! How do I let him down- politely?
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Well go to him and tell him that u dont like him politely and if he doesnt stop then maybe roleplay boyfriend/girlfriend with a boy who us ur bff or friend. Seeing u with another dude will makeif jealous and then he will definetly quit

Thanks!! :D
on January 21, 2015
on January 21, 2015
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Say I think it is sweet you give me all this stuff, but....... I don't really like you in that way. Sorry...... but you are very sweet.
Say exactly that.
Say exactly that.
on January 21, 2015
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say " hey, im not really ready for a relationship, i hope we can still be friends, i will call u when im ready, thank you for understanding, i better go now".:D
on February 12, 2015