Does Qfeast have allot of people in a love-relationships? I've seen some people that are in a love-relationship and some people that have Qfeast-crushes, but I wanna know how much of the majority are. Of course I'm not gonna ask who with who but knowing who's willing would be helpful knowing more about Qfeast ^-^
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I have never been in a qfeast relationship, and have no interest in finding love online. I am fine having friends online, but not love
on November 27, 2015
You wanna be friends then? You don't have to though
And thnx for answering my question, I apreciate it ^-^
well, my fav manga is Skip Beat and second to it Fruits basket.
Would you like to exange favoirtes? I'll go watch/read something your interested in, and you'll go watch/read something See More I like. Would you like to do that? ^-^
Why thnx you. Your compliment was unexpected, but was nice and welcomed ^-^
Oke, so, what's your fav fandom? :)