Are dreams real or they are just our imagination? Are dreams real? Or they just happen when you are asleep? What if I had no imagination, would that make my dreams "not real". Or dreams aren't real altogether?
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nah it's just ur brain goin woowksbdkaososkxnznsooxp when it sorts things out while u sleep
on March 23, 2021
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Both. It's both.

That's so cool!

If Blue said she was born with vivid dreams then she must be born with vivid dreams.
on March 23, 2021

I'm not making it up. I was born with vivid dreams. I'm sorry pink said such mean things. But honestly, what do they know?
on March 23, 2021

Jeez, so guillable Hosesxvolleyball. The fake bluethequizwhiz is making it up! You can't be such a wimp.
on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021

really? wow

Yeah. I'm a vivid dreamer, so I can make my own dreams. But occasionally I could see visions of the future, and have mutual dreams with someone.
That's why I believe dreams are both
That's why I believe dreams are both
on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021