Would taking a whole bottle of asprin kill me or just make my stomach hurt?
Answers (3)
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yes, it actually can but please don't do it. don't take an entire bottle of asprin.
if you already have, call 911 or the hospital or something.
if you already have, call 911 or the hospital or something.
I have not thx for responding
on April 28, 2019
it's no problem.
on April 28, 2019
on April 28, 2019
on April 28, 2019
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No I mean cmon man I mean it would run a chance if you were to mix it with some alcohol but I doubt it just drink bleach/windex or stay up for about 11 day about 264 hours and you'll drob dead of sleep deprivation also don't ask me how I know this but I know a lot of ways to kill my self. Oof I saw the other answer and just me *in a dark corner* I'm fine totally fine.
on April 28, 2019