What's your favorite animal? (3) Any kind
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This is hard because I love basically all animals so I'll list my top 5
1. Cats
2. Dragons (idk if that counts)
3. Leopards
4. Wolves
5. Foxes
1. Cats
2. Dragons (idk if that counts)
3. Leopards
4. Wolves
5. Foxes
on July 28, 2019
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Thylacinus cynocephalus, Canis lupus beothucus and Panthera pardus adersi
Are those all dinosaurs or ..?
That is cool I'm impressed . I'm a nerd and I like those kind of things wording impressed me.
Weirdo me I know. @Cherrokee
Weirdo me I know. @Cherrokee
on July 28, 2019
on July 28, 2019
on July 28, 2019