Kitten names I need some gender neutral names for 4 kittens. There is a orangish one, a black one, and two calico's.That's all you need to know \/ (the mother looks like that)
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I have bad news... Their was five kittens. The fifth kitten was another orange kitten. I don't know how I did not notice it. If I had maybe... just maybe it would still be alive. Sadly it died:((. On the other had I have more bad news. I can only pick two kitten names because I only get to name two of the kittens. I have chosen the name 'Zero' for the orange kitten. The name 'Zero' was recommended by "SkytheGalacticWolf" Thank you. The other name I have chosen is "Avalon". The See More name "Avalon" was recommended by "Shimo" thank you. :D
on April 20, 2017
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I have great news. The mother (named Magic) had her kittens last night around 9:00<3. She had two calico's ones, black one, and a orangish yellow one. The reason I asked for neutral names is because you can't tell if a kitten is male or female until the are around 4 weeks old. And my mom and sister have to agree with the names too.
on April 16, 2017
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Once they are born I will tell you how many there are and what colors they are. I won't be able to pick male names or female names from the start. I need gender neutral names. Remember that. Then I will tell you what names i've picked nd who recommended them first.
on April 16, 2017