how do you get songs out of your head?
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I shall answer it for you and @jafrinjannat because I know. According to research, listening to the song again will help. That works if you hate the song... but if it is your favorite song... well go listen to a new song.

oh! thanks girl! @TheRilingRavenclaw
on November 08, 2014
on November 07, 2014
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I just turn on the song stuck in my head and blast the hour long "turn it down for what" . The old song fades out and turn it down for what is still going . Works for me
on November 08, 2014
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You have to sing the end of the song. You only have it stuck in your head because you don't remember the end...or so the Internet says...
on November 07, 2014
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1. Brick
2. Wack
1. Song is out of head, YAY!
2. Haha you died.
2. Wack
1. Song is out of head, YAY!
2. Haha you died.
on November 07, 2014
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I first blend all the words of the part of the song that is stuck in my head to la's then I imagine that every note is around the pitch then I take out the complicated rythemes till its a simple beat of la's I slow the beat down to a morderate speed and change the la's to a drum beat. Then you can take your favorite song (one that you don't mind getting stuck in you head) and Imagin that song to the beat and there you have it!!?
on January 07, 2015
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I think of another song that I LOVE! Or I listen to that one song that is stuck in my head, then move on the listening to other songs. Works for me every time.
on December 10, 2014