How Can I Download These Games? So, I really want to download Five Nights At Freddy's and Spooky's House of Jump Scares, but I have a mac and they require Windows. I tried SO many different links, but none of them would work. I finally got Spooky's House of Jump Scares for the mac, but it says that my security preferences don't allow it! UGH! It's my mom's laptop >:( It's getting annoying. So, do any of you know how I can download FNAF or SHOJS on my mac?
Answers (2)
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You can get fnaf for an iPad because I got it, as for Spooky's House, I'm not sure.

on March 10, 2015
on March 10, 2015
Answer Link

Try steam

It costs the money for the game, but still you can get them

on March 07, 2015
on March 06, 2015
on March 06, 2015