What is Mercedes BlueEFFICIENCY and how does it impact fuel economy and emissions?

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BlueEFFICIENCY is a trademark name Mercedes-Benz uses for its most eco-friendly and economical passenger cars. The package of measures aims to reduce rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag and to optimise its engine technology further.

on July 04
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BlueEFFICIENCY is a trademark name Mercedes-Benz uses for its most eco-friendly and economical passenger cars. The package of measures aims to reduce rolling resistance, aerodynamic drag and to optimise its engine technology further.

on July 02
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on July 01
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Mercedes BlueEFFICIENCY is a suite of technologies and design features aimed at enhancing the fuel efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Introduced by Mercedes-Benz, this initiative incorporates a variety of measures to improve aerodynamics, reduce weight, and optimize powertrains, all with the goal of creating more eco-friendly cars.

One of the key aspects of BlueEFFICIENCY is its focus on reducing vehicle weight. By using lightweight materials See More
on June 25
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