All the boys either avoid me or don't know me. I really want my first kiss, but how? Any tips? There are a few boys at school who I know, but they have no intention on kissing me. Any tips? 13 and in 8th grade. edit: i didnt let my ex kiss me lol and i still havent kissed anyone edit 2: its 2020 now and im now with the love of my life after a toxic relationship :) and yes, ive had my first kiss haha
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You still have a long way to go. At your age your desperate to get out there and fall in love straight away but let me tell you that it's not a good idea to date at 13. I dated at 12 years old and our relationship turned toxic and abusive. And even if you do end up getting your first kiss at 13 years old it won't mean a whole lot when your older. In fact you probably won't even remember it. Love is a long road and no one stops down the road that early.

by wat u said then i wwould say it is better to get ur first kiss in young age coz in future it wont be a problem in ones married life who wants to weep about their EX the whole time?
on April 27, 2017
on November 15, 2016
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you really shouldn't be dating at 13 anyways
im not bashing anyone who is but wait a little while
im not bashing anyone who is but wait a little while
on November 15, 2016