Online dating- Good or bad? :T I just want to know what you guys think because I'm PRETTY sure if I told some of my friends I online date- They'll give me the longest lectures in history.
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it's not usually as healthy as a relationship in real life. i know MANY girls who have done online dating, only ONE that i know was positive. online, there is a lot of trust issues, because you aren't there. it's also easier online. that may seem positive, but it isn't. it's easy to pick up your phone and text someone, or get on your computer and write someone. even skype is easy. but someone REALLY taking the time to spend with you and walk around and experience things together See More is REAL. and you'll feel it. whether it be the first time you're at Taco Bell, or the first time you're at the beach. you can't share moments like that through a text or behind a screen. the little things make relationships stronger. you can't really see the little things if the person isn't there. that's just my opinion though. that's how i see it.
on January 27, 2015
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Honestly that depend on the relationship I mean I've been dissapointed with my relationships (except the one im in now) but that's the same with them if I were to have them IRL too I think online would hurt less than online because there's less physical attachment

on January 27, 2015
on January 27, 2015
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I don't see what's wrong with online dating. I online date and nothing bad has happened to me because of it. Love is love and distance isn't an issue but an obstical to over come.
on January 27, 2015
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It's a bad idea, it's very risky. You could think you are talking to a 17 year old boy, but you are really talking to a 45 year old pedophile. There is always that possibility, so it's a good idea to have friends online, but avoid dating or meeting them in real life, that is a bad idea, it will be like a scene from wolf creek.
on March 25, 2016
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Online dating is bad because you never know if the person your dating is probably way older than you
on February 02, 2015
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I'm not exactly the hugest fan of it, I mean I would much rather be with the real person but we do all have our opinions :3
on January 27, 2015
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It depends on the person. Like, the lastgirlfriend I had realized she asked me out too soon, so she broke up with me, so i guess it all depemds on getting to know the person more. As long as you don't tell people EXACTLY where you live, I'd say online dating is fine.
on January 27, 2015
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I don't like online dating.

Why not?

But you can still do that online, just you don't fall more for lust than love, that happens a lot IRL
on January 27, 2015

I just don't..i don't think it's true love until you meet in person and feel your heart beat out of your chest.
on January 27, 2015
on January 27, 2015
on January 27, 2015