Why does he dislikes her? (read description pls) My cousin Ria has a crush. she says that he stares at her, and his friend teases him when she walk past them, but he says that she sings horrible, ( ..she is good in singing) . my cousin saw the group chat..where he deleted her and posted a shocked emoji when my cousin's friend added her.. what does this mean? i am worried about my cousin. she is mad about him and wants to know whether he too feels the same. i had a crush and he dislikes me...Anyway,,pls help me guys.
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It sounds like he's trying to cover the fact that he likes her so his friends will shut up.
on June 14, 2017
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Sounds like he does actually like her but is trying to cover it up. Or he is just trying to act cool to his friends or he is just plain jealous

Thank you for answering ?

on March 12, 2017
on March 09, 2017
on March 08, 2017
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