Qfeast Prom Dressery Manager-WANTED Hello! I recently fired CrystalDiamond2323, and we need a new manager of the dressery! If you are interested, comment, and I'll private message you for an interview!
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Why'd you fire her? I thought she was doing great.

Crimson asked the same thing, and someone deleted it. Private matters.
on October 12, 2014
on October 12, 2014
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why the... fruit did you fire me anyways? because there was no space eft to upload the pictures!? i was just trying to help! are you serious??? i never said i wanted to quit! and you never even said you fired me! so seriously stop being soooo annoying! and i deleted a few dresses that no one wanted to do reapergirl's request.

Oh no. I didn't tell u in pm. Nope. I didnt. Oh and good job. You thought of a solution. Just abit to late. Reaper girl took your place.

@CrystalDiamond2323 Reapergirl13 has a week to test, if she doesnt do too well, Ill put you back.
on October 12, 2014

Please can i have a second chance! I just thought you would help and i didnt know if u where okay with me deleting some dresses so i asked u first and u fired me
on October 12, 2014
on October 12, 2014
on October 12, 2014