Do your dreams have a deeper meaning?
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I had a dream about me and a friend riding our bus home, when it stops and the bus driver gets out. We hear something hook and mumble singing start, our bus driver gets back on and we start driving away, 30 grade 5 kids grab swords and arrows out of their backpack and start fighting the pirates on the pirate ship that hooked onto ours. We all started singing a pirate-like song...
I think it does?
I had a dream about me and a friend riding our bus home, when it stops and the bus driver gets out. We hear something hook and mumble singing start, our bus driver gets back on and we start driving away, 30 grade 5 kids grab swords and arrows out of their backpack and start fighting the pirates on the pirate ship that hooked onto ours. We all started singing a pirate-like song...
I think it does?
on February 26, 2021