What do you think about racism? Racism shouldn't be tolerated. Someone told me that Asian and Americans are racist. Can you tolerate this? I told him that we are not perfect but that doesn't give you a right to say that those people are racist. Then he said that Christians are racist because they can't accept they are wrong and that their faith is dumb.
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I have heard some people say “The most true fact is every single American in the world is racist” and that is the most dumbest thing I heard. Did the guy that told you that know about john f Kennedy? He is full american and he is anti racism as f**k.
on December 22, 2017
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racism is terrible we are all humans we all breathe and we all have red blood and a red heart
on December 09, 2016
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I personally think racism is sick and disgusting. I am actually a Christian and I know that not everybody believes the same thing and nobody should be forced to believe what I believe. It's a choice someone has to make for them self.
on May 04, 2016
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I think that it would be better to say nothing than something that will offend people.
on May 03, 2016
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I really dislike it but I don't think there's anything we can do about it. Especially in America. If we make it illegal to say negative things about other races, that would be violating out freedom of speech and so on. Yes, it's bad, but there are legal things we have to follow and if we outlaw racism we're not following al those things...

I understand but in the UK, we take racism seriously.

I honestly wish it didn't exist in the first place. But it does, so we have to deal with it...
on May 03, 2016
on May 03, 2016
on May 03, 2016
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I find it completely stupid and useless.Like,seriously,if we were to be without all our unique skin colors no one would know where you were from,and even than people from other places are awesome to get to know!We would have one less thing to fight about if racism would at least die down in some parts of the world.

Racism should be taken seriously. People who are different make the world different

Yeah,I agree.People with diffrent cultrues than mine and ect. are awesome and important.
(Sorry if I said something wrong,cause I feel like I did :( )
(Sorry if I said something wrong,cause I feel like I did :( )
on May 03, 2016
on May 03, 2016
on May 03, 2016
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I believe in a diverse country. :-B. People being different doesn't matter, we are equal and no-one is more powerful than no one. I hate racism. People who are racism are rude because they can't accept different people. :D
on May 03, 2016