Horrible... So... I don't know how to say this... But, I think I'm becoming depressed. I feel like I'm helping everyone else, and then forgetting about myself. Then whenever I try to help, something bad happens, and I blame it all on myself... I feel like I was being a horrible person and just stood there to watch it. I'm loosing people in my life very quickly and.... I'm not gonna start self-harming, that would be stupid of me. I'm not gonna try suicide, I don't want to leave the world. But I feel like no one cares... And if they do, I ruined it. I ruin everything... I'm being a horrible friend to... Everyone... And everyone that I've lost touch with... It was my fault they left... I'm a pain in the arse to everyone... I may seem a happy cheerful person all the time to everyone, but it's only because I don't want to show my sorrow. I don't want to show any pain or loss... Please... Give me something. If I'm sad or mad at the world or myself, what can I do to reassure myself I'm fine? What can I do to know that it's not my fault? But.... Just know that I'm not giving up until I know it's all over. And it's not over yet... Nowhere near over. Oh, and, Emma. If you read this, please don't talk to me about it outside of Qfeast. I'd rather keep this here than spread it everywhere. Don't even tell Kate unless she has a Qfeast account too. Thank you, and sorry.
Answers (8)
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I'm not sure what to call your condition, it may be a minor depression. Or a self hate condition.
on March 22, 2016
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oh wow..-virtual hug- I cant really help since..well I haven't gone through that but one thing is stay positive..I don't realy know what else too say..

on June 29, 2014
on June 29, 2014
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*virtual hug* I'm really sorry, I don't think I'll be of much help, but.......
I would pray about it. Tell our Heavenly Father how you feel. He loves all of us, and wants us to be happy, so if you pray to him, he'll help you through this. just keep your chin up and know that everything will get better.
I would pray about it. Tell our Heavenly Father how you feel. He loves all of us, and wants us to be happy, so if you pray to him, he'll help you through this. just keep your chin up and know that everything will get better.

Alright. I've been planning to start prayers daily, and I plan to find something to pray about everyday. *Virtually hugs back*
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
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Fire tests gold. You're probably going through a rough patch, and I'm not going to lie, I don't know you and I'm not going to pretend you're my friend because I have no idea who the heck you are. Don't worry, you are loved. It's not your fault things happen, that you try and help but it turns out badly. I'm not going to go on about God in case you don't believe in him and start going -_- oh a bible basher but he loves you. More than the universe and himself.

I'm a Christian, so I do believe in God, and thank you. That really means a lot and I'll keep every word in mind.
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
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I understand the feelings you are going through..I am the same way, but it really does a total to your body. It leaves you in a state even when u try to keep everyone happy, one mistake in your mind causes you to blow up and make your self more depressed. Even when people try to help you even loved ones, you push away. Listen, if your parents don't know you cut, don't tell them. Mine took me to a therapist..it sucked! But if you keep it up, they r horrible scars. Trust me. I know See More you see your self as a horrible person but just think why would God let you suffer if he had planned something more for you? People will leave in and out of your life. Sometimes good sometimes bad. Every thing that happens is just a chapter in your story. Those choices shape you to become a amazing person in the future. The past will only hurt you if you allow it to.

I'm not cutting and (hopefully) I never will. Cutting does nothing but hurt.... I don't see how it's supposed to help. But, every word you're saying, means a lot. Thank you. I'll keep this in mind, forever.

I'm glad and your welcome. Your still very young and Have the whole world in front of you. I hope this obstacle in your life goes away soon! :)
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
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Um, well, if I'm in a bad situation, later on I like to think back at it and see if I can laugh.
on June 28, 2014
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Hey remember When i help u with your brother? I do care about your life,your like a sister to me your a VERY GOOD FRIEND!! Serisouly i cant dont that even though we dont know each other in real world i really love u ( like a friend of course) your sooooo SPECIAL kid

That's what everyone says, but I have the feeling there is no reason to believe it...
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014