Is this a good poem? I want to smoke my lungs black, Pack after pack.. I want to drag a razor across my main vain, And watch the blood poor down the drain.. I want to jump off a clif, And tell the world I tripped. I want to 'fall' out of a movingly car, And crash into the tar.. I want to put a gun to my head, And pull the trigger and be dead Don't you think these thoughts are crewel?! Exactly stop saying depression is beautiful!
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Great rhymes, But are you ok, it seems like you are suicidal? or depressed, if you are please talk to me, i shall try to help

This is very kind, thank you.
on January 03, 2018
on August 12, 2017
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I thought the poem was great, but if you're actually considering taking your life, please don't. We, the comment section, are worried.
on August 22, 2017