What is your phobia? (If you have one!) Do you have a phobia? In case there's any dummies out there, a phobia is something you simply can't stand. You have a irrational fear of it. What is your phobia about and how badly does it affect you?
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Mine is Chilopophobia. Its a fear of centipedes and millipedes.
An encounter with one of these -shudders- things goes like this:
1. goes to the basement.
2. sees a little line moving towards me.
3. squints and realises its a centipede, and I repeat, its moving TOWARDS ME (like their attracted to me or something)
4. freezes in place, face goes pale, stares at it in pure fear.
5. 5 seconds later screams and almost trips running to the stairs (or high ground it can't climb) See More
6. screeches, cries, and begs for someone, ANYONE, to kill it. Never takes my eyes off of the bug.
7. when its smashed into a pulp sighs in relief, pats the person who killed it on the back and say how their the best in the world, then pretend nothing happened.
If I try to face my fear, I fail miserably. along with running and crying like a little kid, I feel like I want to throw up. If I look at a picture of a centipede or get reminded of them I get goosebumps and feel nauseous. Usually I kind of freeze up like if it was right in front of me.
Why I have this fear? well, cause their f*cking terrifying.
Also cause I have some past trauma or something involving centipedes-
YAY! now you know one more thing about me! AND DON'T YOU DARE POST ANY PICS OF CENTIPEDES AND SHOW ME OR ELSE!
have a good day :3
An encounter with one of these -shudders- things goes like this:
1. goes to the basement.
2. sees a little line moving towards me.
3. squints and realises its a centipede, and I repeat, its moving TOWARDS ME (like their attracted to me or something)
4. freezes in place, face goes pale, stares at it in pure fear.
5. 5 seconds later screams and almost trips running to the stairs (or high ground it can't climb) See More
6. screeches, cries, and begs for someone, ANYONE, to kill it. Never takes my eyes off of the bug.
7. when its smashed into a pulp sighs in relief, pats the person who killed it on the back and say how their the best in the world, then pretend nothing happened.
If I try to face my fear, I fail miserably. along with running and crying like a little kid, I feel like I want to throw up. If I look at a picture of a centipede or get reminded of them I get goosebumps and feel nauseous. Usually I kind of freeze up like if it was right in front of me.
Why I have this fear? well, cause their f*cking terrifying.
Also cause I have some past trauma or something involving centipedes-
YAY! now you know one more thing about me! AND DON'T YOU DARE POST ANY PICS OF CENTIPEDES AND SHOW ME OR ELSE!
have a good day :3
on January 22, 2021
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I have Social Anxiety (won't give me phobia name)

what are they all?

Philophobia - Fear of Love
Gemophobia - Fear of Intamancy
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of abandonment
Social anxiety - AAA! Judgment!
Gemophobia - Fear of Intamancy
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of abandonment
Social anxiety - AAA! Judgment!
on January 22, 2021
on January 22, 2021
on January 22, 2021
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Pyrotechnophobia/fear of fireworks and Thalassophobia/the fear of large bodies of water
on April 02, 2023
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qvq if thats the case-

*drags u and locks u up in a cage* nope! your the one phobia i enjoy and dont mind having uwu
on May 22, 2021
on May 22, 2021
on May 22, 2021
My fear is completely unrational and weird. I hope I didn't offend you @ToastQueen