What is a 'Kin List'? I have no idea what a kin list is so can someone tell me?
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to explain i'd have to explain kinning, which is difficult to explain to someone who doesn't do it... but long story short it's a list of characters you identify with strongly and you can kinda take on their demeanor and mannerisms and "become" that character/person/etc.
on February 11, 2021
on February 11, 2021
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Kinning: heavily relating to a character in any way, feeling like u are them or just feeling like u would act as they do given u are in the same situation as them. You can have high kins or minor kins based on how much you relate to them
Kin list: list of the characters you kin!
Kin list: list of the characters you kin!
on February 11, 2021