Why is my cousin such a tattle tale? My cousin is such a tattle tale! Its getting SO annoying! heres an example, he throws a soccerball at my back, then I slap him in the shoulder (because my dad says whenever hes violent to me, I can be violent ) and he tells me "I'm telling grandma" or "Im telling my mom" but its mostly "Im telling" and he tells and I get in trouble for defending myself! Heres another example, we just played lego btman for one hour and Im bored like hell (i cant do somethng else because we always have to play together) so I say "lets play plants vs zombies" "no, i want to kep playing" and it goes on until "Im telling. You didnt play with me!" UGHH! It getts on my nerves. Dont say, do whatever he wants so something like that because he will NOT get in control of me. Oh, I see him almost every weekend. My dad tried to give him a talk about how hes a man and he should stop telling, but it didnt work! My dad and mom just say "go figure it out yourself" and it used to work. Im gonna talk to my friend who has 2 litle siblings about this. Oh, and my dads sick of him telling just like me. I cant stop him coming. thanks for all advice. :) edit: now hes nine and im a teenager, and now we laugh at this bullshit lol
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first of all that's the greatest rule i ever heard, Second they like to annoy people on purpose to keep them entertained so you should try tattle-tailing first to show em' how annoying it is 'till they finally give up...

on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015
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on October 30, 2017
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we solved the problem. id tell on him, so we aggreed if i wouldnt tell on him, he wouldnt tell on me. even if we got in a physicall fight, we kept it secret. actully, last weekend when my parents were out, i playd 'chair rodeo' which i got one of those soft, half-spinning chairs and leaned and tried not to fall, i got him in it and we had tons of fun doing it.
on April 26, 2015
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He's only six, you don't have to complain about him

i was 11, so stupid then LMAO
on May 05, 2018
on April 25, 2015
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It depends on how old they are...

hes 6

That explains it...he's a little kid, so of course he's going to tattle tale.
on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015
on April 09, 2015