im very sorry for my lil brother okay last night my 10 year old brother had a football game it was the playoffs, and he lost 6-7, but it was the worst kinda way to lose. ookay football fans you know what im talking about. so it was 2nd down and goal with 2:30 minutes to go in the fourth quarter, and there at the 1 yard line trying to run up the middle. and before the play the player does a false start penalty, which hurt the team so they run a play and the stupid kid losses 5 yards and they pass it like at the 15 yard line fourth down my brother throws a interception, so my brother is screaming and yelling just like last year and his other teammate was crying and scereaming to i felt very bad for them which made me cry but it was a very close playoff game and my brother is upset and my dad is the head coach which made me think he was mad, should i still for sorry for my dad and brother, cause i feel so bad i keep on crying.
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