Why is it that certain guys I know don't give a crap about my feelings? (read description) So I wanted to show my brother something, and he watched until I turned my back.. so literally watched for 2 seconds.. Then completely ignored me to talk with his friends. And there's one other person (whom I will not reveal) where no matter how crappy I feel, or what I say, all they respond with is "Ok." or "yeah." Its really freaking annoying- Like, it feels like they won't even bother to talk to me. They just want to use me for stuff they like (like gaming, drawings, role playing, etc) So I'm asking, Why do they not care??

Why is it that certain guys I know don't give a crap about my feelings? (read description) So I wanted to show my brother something, and he watched until I turned my back.. so literally watched for 2 seconds.. Then completely ignored me to talk with his friends. And there's one other person (whom I will not reveal) where no matter how crappy I feel, or what I say, all they respond with is "Ok." or "yeah." Its really freaking annoying- Like, it feels like they won't even bother to talk to me. They just want to use me for stuff they like (like gaming, drawings, role playing, etc) So I'm asking, Why do they not care??

Answers (3)

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Maybe they do care and they are not aware of how they are making you feel. If that is the case you should try to talk it out with them
Good idea. But I'm scared. One of them is my ex, and my brother probably wouldn't listen. He would just tell me to shut up cause he couldn't hear his game ??
You're welcome!!!! ??????
on February 22, 2021
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Thank you for the advice, I'll take it to heart. @HappyPotato1
on February 22, 2021
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You don't have to be scared! If you talk it out they might change how they act! Worst case scenario they ignore you again
on February 22, 2021
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on February 22, 2021
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on February 22, 2021
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They might be taking you for granted.
on February 23, 2021
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This is coming from a boy, to me it seems like boys have a lot shorter attention span and also some boy's are just dicks I went through a stage like that along with my depression faze but if it never ends then find some way to get their attention ig
on July 09, 2021
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