Style ideas for short hair? I have Military Ball coming up (literally next Friday) and I need to style my hair to go with the dress I'm wearing, but I don't know what to do! Can someone help me? Btw, my dress is red, floor length, has a knee-high slight on the left, and has one strap and my hair is really short.
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My mom does my hair a lot, but here is just a suggestion: braid a side braid (fishtail or french) along the side of ur hair and...accessories depend on what u think. Probably silver ones coz gold would be just too...extravagant. You can curl your hair slightly.

The sides and back of my head are basically buzzed. Anything that can be done with that?

Elegant. It's a formal event I'm going to
on March 26, 2019

do u wanna go for a rather...'cool' style or a more elegant style?
on March 26, 2019

let me think for a while...
on March 26, 2019

It's almost to the scalp but not quite
on March 26, 2019

like, a lot? or just a bit
on March 26, 2019
on March 26, 2019
on March 26, 2019
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What I did for my mil ball:
-Rose in the hair, pulled back, hairspray
-If you can, curl it! Spices up the look
-Take inspiration from the 20's, 60's, and now. It's what I do every year.
-Rose in the hair, pulled back, hairspray
-If you can, curl it! Spices up the look
-Take inspiration from the 20's, 60's, and now. It's what I do every year.
on March 26, 2019
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You could leave it hanging and jazz it up with a headress sort of thing. I'm thinking gold, that would go well with red. If your hair is blonde, this might not work so well.

Good luck at your ball! Don't mess up ;)

@MysticHorse27 and I'm going to my friends fro the weekend so her mother can do my make up (after all, she has a shiteload of makeup)
on April 03, 2019

@MysticHorse27 I'm planning to add splashes of red around the tips and bring the longer ends to a point near me left eye.
on April 03, 2019
on March 27, 2019

Ooh, you could dye a streak of red to match your dress! That would be eye-catching.

on March 27, 2019
on March 27, 2019

My hair is bleach blond now

on March 27, 2019

@MysticHorse27 I haven't decided on my jewelry yet. My dress is all red. Even the semi lacey part at the top.
on March 27, 2019

What's the rest of your jewelry like? If you have pearls, those might go well with your hair in a circlet. And the trim on your dress? Is it gold, silver, red, nonexistent, or some other color?
on March 27, 2019

@MysticHorse27 maybe. I'll see if my friend that I'm taking to ball with me can help with the flower. i might have it as a rose
on March 27, 2019
on March 26, 2019
on March 26, 2019