should 1D all be treated equally? SO, today i got two messages that were really quit mean. So, awhile ago I took a quiz 1D quiz and was really happy that Niall would date me. (That's what my result was) And i decided to STUPIDLY SAY "OMGOSH! YES! NIALL IS SO CUTE!" Or something like that, forgetting that there are people in the world who would take that the wrong way! I LOVE 1D ALL THE SAME! They are all wonderful gentlemen. I'm not going to tell you the mean things those people said but i will ask you a question, do you think 1D should be treated equally!?
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It's ok to have favourites but yeah they all should be treated the same ^.^ ima wise person :p

Agreed! ;)

on November 21, 2014
on November 21, 2014

U like 1D o.o

Yep! They are cool! XD
on November 21, 2014
on November 21, 2014

ROFL, i thought the same thing. ;)
on November 21, 2014
on November 21, 2014
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One Direction are terrible. They copy songs, and they make music videos to songs they don't own. So people, 1D should be treated the same way: boring.

So if you think they're terrible, it doesn't matter much to me because i love them. It's your opinioun.
on October 15, 2014
on October 15, 2014