What is this movie called? So i remember watching this movie when i was very little (like 7 or 8) in my grandmas living room. I don't remember a lot about it because it was so long ago. I sorta remember maybe vampires in it? This one scene a girl was sitting on top of a telephone pole (i think dead?). The biggest scene i remember is a girl getting trapped in a gas station bathroom (i think she crawled out through the air duct, but i may just be thinking of another movie). It has a 1 or 2 girls and a guy. They also sat in the car alot. Now this could all just be a dream but im 99% sure it wasn't! Also my grandma had Dish so if your thinking of a movie on a cable channel it probably wasn't it
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Twilight maybe but I don't remember anything about a gas station. Maybe vampire diaries
on February 11, 2018
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Damm it the only horror movie I know are Friday the 13th Halloween and more but I don't know what this is
on February 11, 2018