Anybody want to be in my story? Okay, for once I am turning away from writing a Sonic story. It's called "Mysterious Mute", and it's about a girl called Cressida, who ends up as a Warehouse Captive, along with other innocent teenagers. The reason why it's called Mysterious Mute? You'll have to find out.  Form:  Name: Age: Captive/Kidnapper: Personality: [C] Fear: [K] Weapon: Backstory: (Keep it simple if you're feeling lazy) Extra info:  [NOTE: Fear is ONLY to be filled if you are a Captive, just like Weapon is only to be filled if you're a Kidnapper.]

Anybody want to be in my story? Okay, for once I am turning away from writing a Sonic story. It's called "Mysterious Mute", and it's about a girl called Cressida, who ends up as a Warehouse Captive, along with other innocent teenagers. The reason why it's called Mysterious Mute? You'll have to find out. Form: Name: Age: Captive/Kidnapper: Personality: [C] Fear: [K] Weapon: Backstory: (Keep it simple if you're feeling lazy) Extra info: [NOTE: Fear is ONLY to be filled if you are a Captive, just like Weapon is only to be filled if you're a Kidnapper.]

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Name: Elizabeth
Age: 13
Personality: Emo, but sweet and bubbly
Fear: Dying alone
Backstory: Her family died in a car crash, got through school by herself and skipped tons of grades and in her freshman year (waht Xp)... And she's a bit suicidal sometimes.
Extra info: Secretly carries a teddy bear everywhere... Covered in blood stains.. And a knife x3
So are you a Captive?
on December 20, 2015
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on December 20, 2015
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on December 20, 2015
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