Do you like Homestuck or Undertale? Do you like any of this?
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undertale because homestuck iz a piece of crap and all these armless freaks do is internet surf looking at pooorrrnnnnnn and talk using numbersss???? #8@d grammer er sumthin idk. Undertale has actual motivation and breath taking moments unlike bull crap homestuck that dosent make sense. undertale has actually good characters like sans papyrus undyne napstblook mettaton and much moar. now homestuck ther is john bull crap cena who cant even hit on a robot lady then thers vriska See More whos high 99% of the time and evry1 else iz dummmm. (ps john is a dumbass dickface.) now that is my review of homestuck, undertale is actually creative in its story line then homestucjk that's all like boy gets arms boy gets high dosent even bang girl. undertale makes you feel part of the story and your actions matter. in conclusion homestuck sucks.
on January 21, 2016
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What do u think I like more ?

Uh . . . Homestuck?
on November 16, 2015
on November 16, 2015