How would you explain the concept of color to someone blind?
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You can't, it's like describing music to someone deaf...I've tried was an epic embarrassment.
on March 10, 2017
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Like flavors for your eyes. Each is different in its own way and hard to describe. It could be spicy or cool or anything in between.
on January 19, 2017
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They know what colors are seen before them.
Like how if a flower was yellow, and it appears pink, they know they see pink.
((I know because I have a colorblind family member))
They know what colors are seen before them.
Like how if a flower was yellow, and it appears pink, they know they see pink.
((I know because I have a colorblind family member))
Not colorblind ーblind.
Oh. Sorry. I read colorblind.
Describe it like tempature- cool colors are cold, warm colors warm.
Describe it like tempature- cool colors are cold, warm colors warm.
on January 18, 2017
on January 18, 2017
on January 18, 2017