Favorite video game i love Lengend of Zelda; wind walker and super smash brothers
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I like Portal 2!

i've never played it

It's really good! The game Portal came before it, but it's hard to find so I've only played Portal 2! In the game you are put in a bunch of test chambers that you have to solve with logic and a portal gun. The portal gun can shoot portal that you travle through to solve the chambers. Through out the game you watch as the characters evolve and you go through some See More major plot twists! It's really intresting and it's supossed to make you smarter (?). The two downsides are that it's expensive and that it's really hard to find Portal 1. Even if you havent played Portal 1 it still explanes every thing!
on February 09, 2015
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015