If you had a chance for a do-over in life, what would you do differently? Suppose you were given a chance to meet the unmet desires ... can be anything?
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I wouldn't change my past, because my memories shape me, and I'm happy with who I am now. I wouldn't change a thing.

Yo......that's amazing....& Inspiring too:)B)
on September 08, 2016
on September 07, 2016
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I suppose if I did anything differently in the past...then I wouldn't be the same person I am today....but we hopefully cannot change the past...as that would change too many things...and I doubt you would notice...the question also persists...will you even be you if you change a past event..? But as to answer the question...I would rather not change the past, and keep going with how I am now, evolving what I have now into something better.

That's a Diplomatic Answer , which we all know is absolutely true....No doubt:)
But I have mentioned .......To Think If >>>>>
Like we do in Maths like
Let,"567g=X" like that..................B)
But I have mentioned .......To Think If >>>>>
Like we do in Maths like
Let,"567g=X" like that..................B)

I suppose that could be the similar to what I was trying to say. Any replacement within the time-space continuum could be detrimental to our current timeline...like that of a preserved astronaut's boot print in prehistoric soil....that would change many thigs based on our origins...when it was us going back there in all reality...That is why I slightly fear time See More travel...As any change...whether it be of the Human DNA or a replacement or addition of another species that was humanoid...might result in a completely different Earth...whether it would be good or bad would be up for debate...though the question is....are those changes already happening...? How do we know..?
on September 06, 2016
on September 06, 2016
on September 06, 2016
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Hmm... I would live in the correct country. I'd be able to meet someone very special to me then
on June 04, 2018
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Only one thing, Id walk around naked more as a child, because I could get away with that then but not now

That was something........DOUBLE meaning I guess.....:)
Don't take it otherwise......B):)
But .....Funny......:D
Don't take it otherwise......B):)
But .....Funny......:D
on November 16, 2016
on October 24, 2016
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@tylapp Coz......I am a Libra.........AIR sign---Cardinal ...that's the reason i highlighted The ZODIAC thing.....!!!!!!:):D
on September 08, 2016
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@suicide_dreamers hey!!!!!
Don't say that plzzzzz:(
If you didn't exist...then" Who would have answered this Question........????hmmm"
We couldn't get in touch via. Qfeast;):)
Don't say that plzzzzz:(
If you didn't exist...then" Who would have answered this Question........????hmmm"
We couldn't get in touch via. Qfeast;):)
on September 08, 2016
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Hey!!!!Now I can understand "Why we said similar things but in a different way":):-O:-B
Ask me What?????
The clue in your Profile is---Last point--- (Zodiac):D
Ask me What?????
The clue in your Profile is---Last point--- (Zodiac):D
on September 06, 2016
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@tylnapp Hey!!!You are ....An Academic Person I am sure.........
I'm guessing........
Philosophical and Science Buff too......
I'm guessing........
Philosophical and Science Buff too......

I suppose both of those...as I claim to be at least somewhat of a philosophical person...and I know...a few this about various scientific things...but no more about biology than the next person....but tanks...
But thank you.
But thank you.
on September 06, 2016
on September 06, 2016
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HEY....i didn't wanted to hurt anyone's feeling Or the principles they follow......
I was just trying to depreciate the Regrets/guilts/bad times of the gone days........
......Yes ,I completely agree that we learn from mistakes
But 1st we Always need to Realize ------What Made us do such a Mistake????
I was just trying to depreciate the Regrets/guilts/bad times of the gone days........
......Yes ,I completely agree that we learn from mistakes
But 1st we Always need to Realize ------What Made us do such a Mistake????
on September 06, 2016
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Plzzz......Don't say that!!!!...buddy:-O:(
Hope for the Best....
..Who knows....... What Brings the Next:)
Cheer up pal.
Hope for the Best....
..Who knows....... What Brings the Next:)
Cheer up pal.
on November 16, 2016
on September 06, 2016