What is a Mary-Sue? I am a bit confused of what a Mary-Sue is, and how to tell if it's a Mary-Sue or not.
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A Mary-Sue is a overpowered character or Oc that is perfect in anyway and has no flaws.

on April 02, 2016
on April 02, 2016
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A Mary Sue is what people describe an OC (original character) that is so perfect, it's impossible. These OCs usual have some tragic backstory, the character the creator is fan-girling over is their boyfriend/girlfriend, and they have some sort of special power. They can be found in almost every fandom, often at each other's throat attempting to decide who is better. It's best to ignore them. But, there is also Anti-Sues. These are OCs that can't do anything right in order to win See More the pity of those around them. So, I hope that helped, bye.

Also, I forgot to mention that they can be either gender. A female is called a Mary Sue and me is Gary Sue.
on April 19, 2017
on April 19, 2017