If you confessed to or were confessed to by somebody,how would you like it happen? Any confession really.But I'm thinking more like a like-like confession.Id never be able to do something like that.Im already an idiot when it comes to being social and talking emotion.But if I was confessed to I'd like it to be sincere and private by someone who I know very well and have fun talking to.I wouldn't care of its romantic or not,just that it was private.I mean,who can respond to something like that when there's others around you?Someone brave,that's who.
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my name is robin, i got married to my wife four years ago, two months ago, i was surprise to get a divorced letter, i thought it was a joke, cause she likes joking a lot. little did i know that there was something behind her jokes. i really loved her, even after she left, i still wanted her back, one day i was online and i got a link [email protected] , i explained everything to the admin, he told me what to do, and i did, guess what my friends!!! i and my wife are back together See More again for good and we now love ourselves more than before. thanks to the great ogudu. i promised to testify if my life changes for good. thats what i am doing now. you too can try him in your own various issues. contact him in his email:( [email protected] )
on February 04, 2016