What do you think about rain? Rain reminds me of good memories,I'm not sure why though.
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I really like rain because it reminds that God made this bug beautiful world for us to live in even though we are sinners, #LIFE IS GOOD BECAUSE GOD ID GREAT!!! <3
on July 24, 2015
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im not sure where i come from it rains ALOT but on the other hand it makes me feel safe
on July 21, 2015
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love hearing the nice pitter patter on my roof haha, but if its thundering.. or lighting... it scares me a lot.
on July 20, 2015
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It's bittersweet to me. Maybe I'm weird but it always made me happy hearing the rain pitter and pattering on the windows and curling up in a blanket and siting with my family when I was younger. Always made me happy, then one night my mother got hit by my dad while it was storming outside. It brings up multiple reminders of happiness and sadness maybe, it just makes me happier thinking the world is sad as me. Maybe I am just that bitter.
on July 20, 2015
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I am actually happiest in the rain. Most times when there's a rainstorm, I'll go outside and sit on this bench on a path near my house. I want to live in Seattle when I'm older because I prefer grey weather over anything. My favorite feeling ever is that moment before the storm where the wind picks up and the pressure drops; it's empowering to me. I would rather have it rain every day honestly because I find peace in the rain.
on July 20, 2015