Why do people say dont give info about yourself? All these people say don’t give people your full name and stuff like that?
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If you give information to random people you may get hacked and they will destroy your life or try to find you...
And that's creepy but they do it cuz they evil and want data and money
And that's creepy but they do it cuz they evil and want data and money
on May 27, 2021
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if its over the internet and thru messages and whatnot, ppl can trace that information and hack ur accounts and such. that happened to me. i accidentally gave out a password after someone asked my fave numbers and i kinda typed it out. >.> i dont use that anymore and i changed my pswrds just in case. then they can track where u live and find ways to reach u irl. etc etc
on March 05, 2019
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Well...if you tell your name to a stranger...then they might end up searching things more about you like, where you live as they try to track you down...as soon as they track you down...it might lead you either getting kidnapped by them or death...which is why you should always be more cautious around people that are specious like that...especially your phone number...if you called a stranger, and they figured it out of where you live that resembles your address is not a good See More sign...but it can be serious though, depending on what kind of situation it is...
on November 08, 2018
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So creepy stalker people can't find you. I don't get why they'd want to but apparently people do.
on November 06, 2018