How would you describe Steven Universe to a potential viewer of the show with no prior knowledge?

How would you describe Steven Universe to a potential viewer of the show with no prior knowledge?

So while trying to introduce my stepdad to Steven Universe, I realized how difficult it was to explain the magic and physics in the show. So here's my question: How would you explain Steven Universe to a viewer who is interested in the show? Think about how you would explain difficult things to understand like what a Gem is, or what a Fusion is. Don't forget, you'll have to leave out any spoilers! Think hard, and try not to copy from any other summaries! ;)

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The story is about the adventures of a human boy who has the powers of an alien race, known as the gems. They get their name from gemstones located on their body, and can manifest weapons and tools out of the gem they are named after. It started when they tried to invade earth for its resources, but four of them decided to fight back after seeing the true beauty of the planet. The other gems were eventually driven off, and the four remained on earth. One of the gyems fell in love, See More▼
Beautifully explained.
on February 28, 2016
on February 28, 2016