I shake uncontrollably. It happens more often every day, but a lot of times its very minor shivers. What can I do? It's not a seizure because I am completely lucid. My muscles always feel sore, every time I wake up I can't feel my legs at all, do you know that tingly feeling when your leg falls asleep? I can feel that crap in my back. The shaking usually happens in the evening and I think it's because I'm too tired in the morning. Something serious just happened to me while drawing. As I was holding the pencil, my fingers curled so hard over it that they dug into my palm. I had to wait thirty seconds for the shivering to end and pull a fingernail out of my skin. My hand was bleeding. If any of you have similar experiences, suggestion 2 make this stop, a diagnoses, etc- tell me
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Check up.

I am in a week

Good, coz it sounds pretty serious.
on June 09, 2018
on June 09, 2018
on June 09, 2018