What will the future music be like? We already have High Beat Dubstep, how advanced will it be when WE have kids? I'll be listening to like Advanced Dubstep and my kid will be like "Eww. Music from the 20s"
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on July 24, 2018
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Maybe, like, techno music?
But that's already a thing. There'll be a whole new type of music O_O
I guess that's probably for the best, as my parents would say. They say my music (Which is mostly techno, by the way) makes their butts clench.
Like, seriously.
I guess that's probably for the best, as my parents would say. They say my music (Which is mostly techno, by the way) makes their butts clench.
Like, seriously.
on January 20, 2018
on January 20, 2018
on January 20, 2018