Can someone help me? (3) Well, no one knows my story, but i guess its time to tell and maybe get some help...well i feel like i have no friends even though i do, i get bullied but never show it, i feel like my friends just use me to toy around with...ive resulted in doing stupid things..i need help but i cant seem to get any without actually asking...someone please talk to me and dont think im doing this for attention... I dont do this kind of stuff for attention. Why do people on the internet actually assume things are for attention anyway, i mean you dont even know the person in real life, you guys dont know me in real life but please, i need help, im not begging for it either. You dont have to help if you dont want to either..
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I'm not sure how long ago you asked this but I'll answer! I used to be like that too, then one day I sat in front of my mirror and realized I am not a step stool and that I have my own voice. This is in you too, OK? You need to start taking charge in your group of friends and if they still treat you like that then they are not your friends. They just feel better pushing someone "weaker" around.

I posted this i think yesterday, and i only have 3 people that actually treat me like a real friend, but thanks. ^^

Np if I could help any @JackFrost1
on May 03, 2015
on May 03, 2015
on May 03, 2015