Is self-diagnoses ok? im talking about when you dont make i tyour whole personality- basically- like for things like autism or other things. i kinda wanna see, and personally i'd say as long as it's not your entire personality, you have enough knowledge on it and proper forms of education on the symptoms it would be fine. im just curious about peoples opinions tbh ignore the image-
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People need to understand self diagnosis is not TRUE diagnosis. You can not diagnose yourself. It's okay to think you have a mental illness and then to try and find online resources to help yourself with it.
However, proclaiming that you have this illness (even though it's a self diagnosis) and then sticking it in people's faces, and trying to get attention from it is wrong. And that's unfortunately what a lot of people think self diagnosis is.
However, proclaiming that you have this illness (even though it's a self diagnosis) and then sticking it in people's faces, and trying to get attention from it is wrong. And that's unfortunately what a lot of people think self diagnosis is.
on February 21, 2022
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neutral, i think that there are cases where it may be appropriate and cases where it isn't. i wouldnt diagnose myself with cancer, but i can see diagnosing yourself with something like adhd if you've done the research but can't afford a diagnosis or something
on February 22, 2022
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yes self diognosis is okay. but you need to make sure you're self diognosing you with the right thing cause if you tell someone about what you self diognose yourself with and you dont have a reason why you self diognosed with it then it can end up bad
on February 18, 2022