Plot Ideas Please For This Story! I'm making a story called Bone Of Wars... I need some help with the plot here is some description ideas.. Ideas/In my Head About- 1* Main Character Is A Girl 2* Earth is going to be ended (not sure about this one) 3* Bones And Wars Is The Theme 4* A lot Of Death 5* Girl has to get away and do something... Here is a picture for an idea...
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How bout this (is know it's bad:
Its on a different world much like earth but its still in like the Renaissance and There's is this massive cult called the Bone (the wear human bones and stuff). They are the bad guys and they think that only by killing everybody not in the Bone that they will be able to go to a paradise/utopia gifted by their god. The main character is the daughter of one of the Bone followers and she hates there ideas and the fact that they think murdering the See More entire human race will get them a utopia. But she can't leave the cult headquarters.
Its on a different world much like earth but its still in like the Renaissance and There's is this massive cult called the Bone (the wear human bones and stuff). They are the bad guys and they think that only by killing everybody not in the Bone that they will be able to go to a paradise/utopia gifted by their god. The main character is the daughter of one of the Bone followers and she hates there ideas and the fact that they think murdering the See More entire human race will get them a utopia. But she can't leave the cult headquarters.
This gives me a great idea! Thank you so much! I will credit you, on---> ( W- A - T - T - P - A - D ) If they block that out! Thank you so much I will be surely crediting you!
on July 05, 2017
Srry I hit send accidentally: so she has to escape to tell the world about the cults plans (and all the while they have been getting more cultists and weapons) so on her 18th birthday,which nobody cares about, she grabs a knife and escapes barely. Having to kill a few members doing so. However the cult realising she escaped to tell the world about the their See More plans, they decide to start the apocalypse early having enoughe weapons and members to do so. So the massive world War starts and the world is sent into chaos. Next part coming soon.
The war was going on the Bones side, they slowly defeating the military and government. The main character girl sees this and decides she must find a way to help: I think this is quite a bit and I think you could fill the rest if you like this idea.
on June 29, 2017
on June 29, 2017
on June 29, 2017